Monday, July 26, 2010

Incredibly Big Catch Up!

I hope y'all had a great weekend! Friday night I went to the gym with Caitlin, then went over Liza's later! Saturday I went shopping with Mary Catherine, we had lunch with Liza, then shopped some more. I went to the gym for a quick workout, then MC, Liza and I went to supper at a great Italian place named Old Venice!
Here we are dressed up for girls night! (I look weird in this picture...sorry about that!)
We always seem to run in to people we would rather not see while we are out! But we put on big smiles and were as sweet as could be! After we finished our food, we came back to my house and chatted until 1:30 in the morning! I had such a great time! Sunday was a low-key day. Sleeping, cleaning, gym...nothing special. Overall a great weekend!

Leslie gave me this blog award last week!
The One Lovely Blog Award! I'm so excited! Thank you Leslie!! Leslie has such a cute blog and she always puts up lots of great pictures! For this award, you have to share it with people who have touched/changed your life (in a good or bad way!) and why.

I wish I could give this award back to Leslie because she totally would have been one of the bloggers I picked!
First, Blair at Reasonably Swanky. I love how absolutely funny her blog is, and I can relate to her easily. Love her blog!
Next, Gracie Beth at The Engineer in Heels and Pearls. I love the fact that she is another woman engineer!
Next, Brittany at Unexpected Surprises. She always leaves the sweetest comments and has the most adorable little boy Aidyn!
SEC at Summer Wind. A preppy girl after my own heart! Love her blog.
And last but definitely not least, Same Sweet Girl from Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle. She was one of my first followers when I started my blog, and I've even had the opportunity to meet her when we were in Gulf Shores! I'm so glad to have her as a friend!

I wish I had time to pass this on to all of y'all!

So this morning, I had jury duty...everyone I've heard of having jury duty always says they never have to go because they are students. So when I got the notice, I called up and said "I'm a student." They were like umm...that's great but you still have to show up. The judge will probably dismiss you though. Ok?! So I went this morning and when it came time for excuses, I told the judge, I'm a full-time student and I also get paid hourly, so I can't afford the time off work (I can...but...I don't want to! Haha I work hard and I want to get paid! Especially because I'm going shopping in Gulf Shores and I have rent to pay! Don't judge). I was also mortified during this time because everyone in the court room is staring....and I'm shy. Haha! I hate situations like this where everyone is staring at me. Anyways, the judge told me I was actually selected for the grand jury, which met today for a few hours and then not again until January, when I'm expected to be there about a week! UMMM I'm trying to graduate in MAY! I'm getting my master's in chemical engineering (which a few of you asked me about). It is a research based degree where I have to defend a thesis by March. So for me to lose a week of lab time (not to mention class) in January could potentially destroy my hope of a May graduation. I promise you I am not exaggerating in the least. It would be the worst possible timing for a week away from school. I'm going to write a letter to the judge and explicitly state why I can't participate in the grand jury and pray to God he dismisses me. Otherwise....I'm kind of screwed. Plus I wanted to be like hey pal! You went to law school! You know how grad school is! Anyways...any of y'all have any advice on how I can get out of this?

Also-I want to make a blog button...but I don't know how! haha! Any suggestions?
Later this week I'm going to get back on the 30 Day Blog Challenge so I can finish that up, as well as 2 amazing companies I want to share with y'all, and a great recipe!
Happy Monday night/Tuesday!
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  1. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend!! :)

    Oh my! I've never had jury duty but I always hear it's awful. Beau doesn't have his P.E. yet (because his 4 yrs after graduation hasn't came yet) but he has said that occupations like engineers and doctors, etc get like professional exemption. I'm sure a lawyer will comment on this and say I'm wrong. Because I'm not positive, but it's worth looking into because being an engineering student (I think) is the same as having graduated and holding your license.

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I can't say I really know how jury duty is, because as soon as I reported to the court house for it, they decided to send all of us home within' 15 minutes of being there since the case was settled. Lol. It would be a nice expierence though.

  3. I could definitely help you with a blog button, and even a blog makeover if you are interested :) Let me know!

    Court @ One Fine Wire & One Fine Blog Design

  4. I would write a letter and google to see if there is something else you can do. I'm clueless.


    I always wanted to do jury duty so I wouldnt want to get out of it :))

  6. Thanks for your comments!
    I'd love to come to that away game, but I won't have a car at school, so it would all be dependent on going with someone else.

  7. That would be super fun to meet up! And I've already got 7 football game dresses... (I started shopping in November when I found out I was going hah) but that's not stopping me from buying more!

  8. YAY!!! Thank you so much Ashley!!! You are so sweet!!! :)

    I think you look beautiful in that picture!!!! Love that dress! :)
