
Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Break is busy!

Y'all I am sorry...I've been the worst blogger ever this month. Between schoolwork, final exams, traveling, and Christmas shopping...I have had nooooo spare time! Please forgive me!

I've left Starkville last Wednesday and have just been having a great time visiting friends and family and now finally relaxing at home after floating around the country! I'm finally done with my Christmas shopping (well...except for something little to include with my sister's...any ideas??) and I've had a lovely time going out to lunch and watching some of my favorite Christmas movies like this:

White Christmas
(I love that song "I wish I was back in the Army!"
This movie just kills me. Hysterical.

I hope y'all are also have a wonderful Christmas break and spending time with friends and family and pets and eating lots of Christmas cookies!!
I promise I will be better this week!

Also- Ashley Lauren (@ashlauren on Twitter) is an absolutely darling Texas girl and started her own blog! Please check it out and give her some support as she gets started! I loved her peppermint bark recipe!! Here's a link : Texas Prep


  1. Christmas break has been super hectic for me too! and Elf is one of my favorites! I'm hoping to watch it sometime this week.. between the chaotic Christmas preparations!
    I'll definitely go check out her blog!

  2. I LOVE White Christmas. Seriously, I soooo want to be a dancer like the Haynes sister. Actulaly I just want to BE Judy. She may have the tiniest waist on the planet, but she has got some moves!!! I still daydream that I am the key note dancer in "Mandy".

  3. I. LOVE. ELF.

    Ash are you following @buddy_elf on twitter? he's HILARIOUS

    ps. Thanks SO MUCH for sending your amazing and wonderful followers over to my blog. I appreciate it!!!!! xoxo

  4. Love Elf! Glad to hear that you're having a wonderful break!

  5. White Christmas is my FAVORITE!! Enjoy the break!

  6. Came across your blog through location central. So cute!

    And I LOVE Elf!! We watched that this year on Christmas day! :)

    And White Christmas will always be a classic close to my heart. My family always watched it growing up. :)
