
Friday, July 23, 2010

Restore the Gulf! And a very happy birthday to Amanda!!

Happy Friday y'all! First I want to wish a VERY Happy Birthday to my fabulous friend Amanda!!!! I love her to pieces and wish I could celebrate her birthday with her but she lives in Rhode Island!
Here we are in Orlando
At Aquatica

On a cruise
Drinking wine on said cruise
Kayaking in Jamaica
On the beach in Key West
On my graduation day from undergrad (she sat through the whole 5 hour ceremony! What a trooper!)
And here she is when she came to visit me in Mississippi!
As y'all can see we've had a ton of adventures together and I'm sure we will have many more! Happy Birthday Amanda!!
Also-please do me a favor and go to the Restore the Gulf and sign the petition. The Gulf Coast needs everyone's help! Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida need the country to stand behind them during the Gulf Coast cleanup! Help our coast!

As a side note-I love this video!! Sandra Bullock, Blake Lively and Dave Matthews!! Some of my all-time favorites!

Have a great weekend y'all!


  1. Isn't this video just incredible?!?! It's amazing how powerful a message you can deliver in just 90 seconds!

  2. i love this video!! and i just signed the petition! :)

  3. First off, happy birthday to your friend. As for the video, it gave me chills. Loved it.

  4. Happy Birthday to your bestie! After moving, I know how much it stinks not being able to celebrate with your best friend. And I will definitely sign the petitioin!! Love the video!

  5. Happy Birthday to Amanda! Looks like you two have had some great friends.

    Thanks for sharing this video. I signed the petition. I'm orignally from the Gulf Coast and seriously get emotional everytime I see footage about the oil spill. It's beyond tragic!

  6. i left you an award on my blog :)

  7. stoppin' by from Brittany's blog. : )

    great video! i'm on my way to sign the petition now! :) thanks for sharing!

  8. Such a Sandra Bullock fan! Great plug for restore the gulf...

    We're lucky so far, Alabama's beaches haven't seen too much oil and the beaches in Pensacola where I'm from have faired okay as well. Fingers crossed that this will continue and only improve from here!

    Happy Monday!
